(Uploaded July 6, 2005)
The Chemical Society of Japan
For the purpose of promoting communication and information exchange between academia and the chemical industry consisting of 580 corporate members and roughly 15,000 individual members, the CSJ has been carrying out several activities, including establishing special committees.
In 1992, the Industrial Liaison Committee of about 90 regular industrial members was established to introduce the opinions of industrial members into the CSJ activities. In 2002, this name was changed to the Industry/Academia Exchange Committee managed by the Department of Exchange with Industry. The principal mission of the Committee is to promote collaboration among industry, academia, and the government. Toward this goal, the following activities are conducted by four Subcommittees:
(1) At the Spring Meetings, recognizing young researchers in such industrially important fields as polymers, material chemistry, functional materials and their applications, and resources/energy/environment/safety-related chemistry.